Museums in Ostrobothnia

Kyrönmaa Agriculture Museum

Did you know...
The collections include a homemade wood-stemmed tractor from the year 1946.

In the Isokyrö agrarian machine museum are displayed old working machines, motors used for cultivating the soil, tractors, threshing machines and other machines. A delightful mix of old beautiful engines and the smell of soil!

The approximately forty working machines and thirty various tractors demonstrate the importance of agriculture for Finland throughout times. Generation after generation has gained its livelihood by farming and using and selling their products. Agriculture has been rationalized along with the development of technology, which can also be seen in the museum’s collections. The museum is located in a former piggery dating back to 1926.

Among the tractor trademarks can be mentioned for instance Nuffield, Ford, David Brown and Massey-Harris. One of the rarities is the Danish Renault, which wasn’t imported to Finland in large quantities. The Mörkö-Major is a large and heavy tractor from the year 1946 running on petrol. It is the first model of Fordson’s first series of tractors. Displayed are also some of the first self-propelled threshing machines. Previously they were horse-drawn.

An event called “From the Sickle to the Thresher”, which consists of work demonstrations with old threshing machines during the harvest time, potato harvesting in the old-fashioned way and digging of underground drains, is arranged every summer. The White underdrain machine from the 1950s is used for the digging. Only 54 copies of them were manufactured in Finland, and the museum piece is equipped with the original engine and gearbox.

The birth history of the White underdrain machine is interesting. The Finnish defence forces purchased 446 caterpillar trucks from the United States army. The underdrain machines were built on the car bases in the state’s machine workshop in Santahamina.