Museums in Ostrobothnia

Vaasa Car and Engine Museum

P1620457 Fiat Abarth auto ja moottorimuseo copyright
P1620457 Fiat Abarth auto ja moottorimuseo copyright
Did you know...
Finland’s oldest surviving taxi car REO from the year 1909 is on view in the museum. This car was the second one acquired in Vaasa. The first car acquired in Vaasa was REO from the year 1906.

In the Vaasa Car and Engine Museum are displayed vehicles from each decade of the 20th century. Come and get acquainted with the widest collection of old and a little newer cars in Vaasa. On display are also a wide selection of products from engine factories in Vaasa as well as some theme exhibitions.

The Vaasa Car and Engine Museum opened its doors in 1981. There are motors and cars in the museum all the way from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. The history of traffic and vehicles is displayed in the museum with the help of renovated cars and other vehicles. Among these can be mentioned the horse-drawn ambulance dating back to 1909.

There are also several fire trucks and other fire fighting equipment on view, and let’s not forget the bicycle. The vast collection of bicycles in the museum offers the visitor the possibility to get acquainted with the trajectory of this vehicle. In addition there are some soapbox cars, snowmobiles, motorcycles and mopeds in the collection.

The Wickström Motor Factory and Finland’s Motor Factory, which manufactured Olympia engines, were the best-known manufacturers of engines in Vaasa, but along with these there were around twenty smaller producers of engines. And let’s not forget all the self-made motors, which the fishers and artisans assembled for their own use. The museum’s collections include products of small as well as bigger engine producers, such as the so called “cat’s head” auxiliary motor made for a sail boat in the Palosaari cotton factory in 1911.
One of the biggest rarities in the museum is the sailplane Fauvel AV 36 C 1, which was manufactured in Germany in 1958. The plane is known by the name “the Flying Wing”, and the length of one wing is ca. 12 metres. As far as is known, there are only two of these planes in the Nordic countries.

Among the most exceptional items in the museum are the engine of the French Hispano-Suiza V8 plane from the year 1923, and the engine and propeller of a DC-3 passenger plane from the year 1942.

The museum library serves those, who want to know more about cars and technology. The Vaasa Province’s vehicle registry information from the years 1926-1977 can also be seen there.

A Machine Day is arranged every autumn; it offers something for everyone – not just for those interested in cars.